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ANZACATA Social Media Policy

social media policy of the Australian, New Zealand and Asian creative arts therapy association Ltd.

(1)  Preamble

  1. The ANZACATA Social Media Policy is written in recognition of growing membership numbers and the participation of members in online social media.  ANZACATA recognises that social media is an important and powerful communication channel, providing members with the opportunity to view, comment and share content that is meaningful. Social media is a platform for the Executive Team and the Board of ANZACATA to communicate; engage with the membership and advocate on behalf of the membership to the broader community.

(2) Purpose

  1. The purpose of this policy is to set out ANZACATA's expectations in regard to the appropriate usage of its social media channels. ANZACATA owns and has control over its own ANZACATA Facebook Page, its ANZACATA Official Closed Members Group along with its LinkedIn page and Instagram account. All these accounts are Administrator controlled meaning that the Executive Team monitors Posts in these accounts. Only those officially designated by ANZACATA have the authorization to speak on behalf of the company. All posts need to be submitted to the administrator before they are publicly posted on all ANZACATA sites.
  2. The ANAZACATA Code of Ethics, Standards of Professional Practices provide the foundation for ANZACATA's policies and guidelines for social media activity. The same principles and guidelines that apply to members' activities in general, as found in the Code of Ethics, and Standards of Professional Practices apply to members' activities online.
  3. All users of the ANZACATA branded social media sites are required to comply with this policy and with all laws, (including but not limited to) copyright, anti-discrimination, defamation, harassment, misuse of information and criminal activities. Further, ANZACATA social media sites are not to be used for any activity which may conflict with the interests of ANZACATA Co Ltd. or to members' obligations to ANZACATA.

(3) Scope

  1. This policy applies to all:
    • Board Members
    • Executive Team
    • Members (all levels of membership)
    • Contractors who use the ANZACATA branded social media sites.

(4) Policy Statement

  1. This social media policy provides guidance to all individuals who are Board members, Executive Team, Contractors and Members (all levels) of ANZACATA in respect of their professional use of social media and of making public comments online in official ANZACATA branded sites.
  2. All are reminded of their responsibilities under the ANZACATA Standards of Professional Practice and Code of Ethics, and individual contract (for Contractors). ANZACATA requires that all social media users, will not publish any material that could reasonably be assumed to be detrimental to the ANZACATA brand, liable to cause complaint, be unlawful, untrue, defamatory, unethical, breach confidentiality or otherwise bring ANZACATA, other members of the profession or Creative Arts Therapy, more generally, into disrepute.
  3. ANZACATA supports open dialogue and the exchange of ideas. At the same time, members are encouraged to channel any matters of concern to the Executive Team/ANZACATA board through the email contacts on our website rather than posting on social media i.e. Face Book.  A formal complaint should follow the ANZACATA Procedures for Handling Complaints of Violations of the Ethical Standards for Creative Arts Therapists.

(5) Use of Social Media by ANZACATA Board Members and Executive Team

  1. Only members of the Executive Team under the direction of the CEO, or Chairperson are permitted to post, speak on behalf of or officially represent ANZACATA through social media. They may only disclose and comment on information that is readily available to the general public or has been authorised by ANZACATA Board for disclosure.
  2. Board members commenting on the official FB page (not the Prof Members page) need to be guided by section 5 of this social media policy. 
  3. These platforms are created for the communication from ANZACATA to it members and for members to share knowledge, seek advice and support.
  4. No Board member should post nor respond to material that is offensive, defamatory, bullying, harassing, threatening, discriminatory, hateful, sexist, racist, infringes copyright or otherwise unlawful but to advise the Executive Team or Chairperson to remove offensive comments immediately;
  5. No Member, Contractor or Board Member may post in detail on matters (including conversations or projects) not yet approved by the Board. Information which has been approved by the Board of ANZACATA will be widely disseminated via social media.
  6. Board members may make comment in the Professional Members Facebook page (not ANZACATA branded) making it explicit that they speak as an individual member and not on behalf of the ANZACATA board.

(6) Use of Social Media by Members and Contractors
Individuals who use social media in general:

  1. Are encouraged to always be polite, respectful and inclusive of all;
  2. Should ensure that all comments made are respectful and maintain an appropriate tone at all times.
  3. Should not access or engage in the posting of material that is inappropriate or unlawful;
  4. Must understand that posts of a threatening, victimising, bullying or harassing nature are not acceptable;
  5. Must understand that posts that are sexist, racist, culturally insensitive, or discriminatory are not acceptable;
  6. Must avoid personal attacks, use of language or becoming a 'keyboard warrior';
  7. Must demonstrate respect and courtesy when disagreeing with someone else's opinion;
  8. Should ensure that opinions are portrayed as your own, speak in the first person and never on behalf of ANZACATA
  9. Should understand that 'liking', sharing or commenting on a post could be seen as an endorsement for the author;
  10. Need to recognise that comments that are posted on social media are available immediately to a wide audience;
  11.  Must remember that content posted online becomes a 'digital footprint' that lasts forever.

(7) ANZACATA Social Media must NOT be used in the following ways:

  1. To post, upload, comment on, store or disclose information belonging to ANZACATA including confidential member information and our logos;
  2. To post, upload, comment on any information or content which is damaging to ANZACATA's reputation or industry partners or interests;
  3. To post any material that is in direct conflict with the Aims, Objectives and Values of ANZACATA as an association;
  4. To disparage or speak adversely about ANZACATA, its Board Members, Executive Team, contractors or any members.
  5. Engage in comments online that breach anti-discrimination law;
  6. Send an unsolicited direct message to continue a discussion or argument which started in the group.
  7. To use official logos, trademarks or other ANZACATA branded material when making public comments.

(8) Non-compliance with the Policy

  1. ANZACATA has the right to retain records of all social media interactions on its sites.
  2. If members fail to comply with this policy, ANZACATA may delete, turn off comments or censure any member who posts something that is not in accordance with the aims of this policy.
  3. This policy must be complied with at all times. Failure to comply with this policy may result in ANZACATA exercising its right under a contract or membership agreement to take disciplinary action against a member under the Complaints Procedures.  This action may include removal of comments, the turning off of further comments, deletion of post, a temporary ban from the site or a permanent block of the individual(s) from the social media site. In serious cases, this may result in the removal of membership and a ban from re-joining the association, this may also result in legal proceedings or referral to appropriate authorities (within the local jurisdiction).
  4. The ANZACATA Board Members give permission to the Executive Team to regulate and monitor the usage of all social media sites. Self promotion posts by members are generally not accepted on any of ANZACATA’s social media sites or its e-news. However, up to one self promotion post per month may be allowable on the closed Facebook group and up to 3 self promotion posts may be accepted in the e-news, spread over a 12 month period. Any disagreement, complaint against the Executive Team will be made known to the Chairperson of the board.  Board Members may be consulted in this process. If agreement regarding the alleged breach of this policy cannot be reached by both parties in a timely fashion the issue will then be the subject of mediation. If informal discussion cannot resolve the matter, formal mediation will occur with an external mediator acceptable to both parties to the Agreement.

Last updated: 5 July 2024


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