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Upcoming ANZACATA Events

ANZACATA holds various events including conferences and symposia. Please check this page for details of upcoming ANZACATA events as they become available.

Please note: event bookings are only available to members. Please sign it to book an event.

We also list many events of interest to members in the members events section.

    • 29 Mar 2025
    • 12:00 - 14:30
    • Zoom
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    This presentation will appeal to a range of practitioners who want to enhance their knowledge of facilitating connection and enhancing engagement with diverse clients by capitalising on the current research in the field of Motivational Interviewing.

    Developed by William Miller and Stephen Rollnick, Motivational Interviewing is an active, person-centred style of interacting with people. Motivational Interviewing is not a technique, but rather a collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication that incorporates the language of change. It helps to strengthen personal motivation towards achieving a specific goal by creating an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion and eliciting and exploring the person's inner reasons for change (Britt, Gregory, Tohiariki, & Huriwai, 2014; Miller & Rollnick, 2013). Past research has shown that this style can increase the natural desire of individuals for change (e.g., Magill et al., 2018; Palacio, 2016).

    This workshop will provide information on the theoretical basis of Motivational Interviewing and provide specific practical Motivational Interviewing strategies to facilitate connection and engagement with diverse clients in clinical Arts Therapy practice.

    Learning Objectives:

    This workshop provides introductory training in motivational interviewing, including theory, research and practice, with particular emphasis on its use in clinical Arts Therapy practice.


    Aleksandra Gosteva, MHealSc, MEdPsych, MA AT (Clinical), PhD candidate, is a registered Health Psychologist specialising in strength-based approaches for creating and sustaining psychologically healthy family environments and workplaces. The focus of her clinical work and consulting activities is on assessing, improving and promoting individual and organisational, psychological health, safety and wellbeing. Aleksandra is also a qualified Educational Psychologist and a Clinical Arts and Play Therapist with over 20 years' experience working in different roles with adults, children, families and organisations addressing a wide range of educational, developmental, emotional, behavioral, and learning domains.

    When: Saturday 29 March 2025
    Time: 12pm-2.30pm NZDT
    (10am AEDT, 9am AEST/QLD, 7am HK/SG/WA)
    Duration/CPD: 2.5 hrs
    Where: Zoom
    Cost: $35 (+ GST for Australian members)
    Open to: All ANZACATA Members
    Max: 25 participants
    Recorded session: No (Privacy Reasons)

    Cancellation Policy
    When you register and pay to attend one of our events, you are holding a space on our calendar that is no longer available to other members. In order to be respectful of your fellow members and the presenter, please email Michelle as soon as you know you will not be able to attend the event. We keep our events as affordable as possible and need to pay presenters the fee they request. While we understand sometimes urgent matters come up, if registrants cancel at the last minute, we struggle to pay presenters. A full refund will be given if the cancellation occurs more than 24 hours before the event. If the cancellation occurs less than 24 hours before the event, 50% of your registration fee will be refunded only to defray our costs.

    • 09 May 2025
    • 12:00 - 17:00
    • ZOOM
    • 10

    This training will contain theory, experiential learning, and opportunities for supervision practice, and can be used as either an arts therapy based PD opportunity, or towards registration as an approved supervisor with ANZACATA.  It is best suited to experienced professional members, as it assumes a working clinical knowledge and experience in arts therapy.

    The Training Will Cover:

    1. Definitions of supervision
    2. A variety of models and approaches to supervision
    3. Arts-based integration
    4. Clinical practice
    5. Ethics and Contracts

    In keeping with ANZACATA policy, the course will be 40 hours over 5 sessions (including 15 hours of experiential practice) to meet ANZACATA's new requirements of Approved Supervisors. Participants will be expected to engage in supervision practice with other participants between the online sessions in order to complete the required number of hours to register as an ANZACATA supervisor.


    Vicky Nicholls has a broad range of supervision experience, including 20 years experience of supervising students from the Master of Art Therapy (Latrobe University) whilst on placement. In her private practice she supervises art therapists and other practitioners working in a wide range of fields. She also facilitates several supervision groups. She is pleased to offer support to members of ANZACATA.

    Cost & Times

    A maximum of 16 members will be admitted to the online supervision training course and the cost is $470 (AUD) for each participant. GST must be added to those in Australia who participate.

    When: The event is run over 5 days
    May 9th, 10th, 16th, 17th and 30th
    Time: 12pm – 5pm AEST (10am HKT & WA and 2pm NZT)
    Duration: 5 hours each session
    CPD: 40 (25 hours + 15 hours experiential)
    Where: ZOOM
    Cost: $470 (+ GST for Australian members)
    Open to: 16 members (Professional members)

    Please note:
    - This event is open to Professional members
    - This event will not be recorded.

    You are responsible for making sure you can attend all sessions of this course. So, do keep your diary free for all dates. We are not able to offer refunds or have you join another time. There is a wait list every time we offer this course. If you do not complete the course, you cannot get your certificate of completion and cannot join our approved supervisor listing.  If a genuine emergency occurs and you cannot complete, please contact Vicky as soon as you can.

    Cancellation Policy
    When you register and pay to attend one of our events, you are holding a space on our calendar that is no longer available to other members. In order to be respectful of your fellow members and the presenter, please email Michelle as soon as you know you will not be able to attend the event. We keep our events as affordable as possible and need to pay presenters the fee they request. While we understand sometimes urgent matters come up, if registrants cancel at the last minute, we struggle to pay presenters. A full refund will be given if the cancellation occurs more than 24 hours before the event. If the cancellation occurs less than 24 hours before the event, 50% of your registration fee will be refunded only to defray our costs.

    • 24 May 2025
    • 12:00 - 14:30
    • Zoom
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Child-Centred Play Therapy (CCPT) is a developmentally responsive, play-based mental health intervention for young children ages 3 to 10 who are experiencing social, emotional, behavioral and relational disorders (Landreth, 2012; Ray, 2011; Ray et al., 2021). CCPT utilises play, the natural language of children, and therapeutic relationship to provide a safe, consistent therapeutic environment in which a child can experience full acceptance, empathy and understanding from the therapist and process inner experiences and feelings through play and symbols. CCPT is well-supported by an extensive body of research literature that supports the intervention as effective for disruptive behaviors (Bratton et al., 2013; Cochran & Cochran, 2017; Ray et al., 2007; Ritzi et al., 2017; Wilson & Ray, 2018), anxiety (Stulmaker & Ray, 2015), autism spectrum disorder problem behaviors (Schottelkorb et al., 2020), social-emotional assets (Blalock et al., 2019; Taylor & Ray, 2021), and overall impairment (Ray et al., 2013).

    This workshop provides advanced training in CCPT, including theory, research and practice, with particular emphasis on person-centered and motivational interviewing approaches. 

    Learning Objectives:

    • Provide an advanced understanding of the theoretical basis of Child-Centred Play Therapy (CCPT)
    • Develop advanced knowledge and techniques of the practice of CCPT
    • Develop knowledge of the research evidence related to CCPT


    Aleksandra Gosteva, MHealSc, MEdPsych, MA AT (Clinical), PGDipEPP, PGDipHlthPsycPrac
    Aleksandra is a New Zealand fully trained, Registered Health Psychologist and Clinical Arts Therapist. With the breadth of extensive training, research and internships, she has developed specialist interests in different areas of psychology and arts therapy. Aleksandra's work mainly focuses on supporting children and adults, recovering from trauma, as well as supporting children and adults with pain management, chronic illnesses, and other health issues. Aleksandra also works with organisations designing flexible and people-centred workplace interventions to improve employee and organizational health and wellbeing and develop research-based initiatives to prevent burnout.

    When: Saturday 24 May 2025
    Time: 12 pm–2.30 pm NZST
    10 am–12.30 pm AEST
    8 am– 10.30 am AWST/HKT/SGT
    Duration/CPD: 2.5 hrs
    Where: Zoom
    Cost: $35 (+ GST for Australian members)
    Open to: All ANZACATA Members
    Max: 25 participants
    Recorded session: No (Privacy Reasons)

    Cancellation Policy
    When you register and pay to attend one of our events, you are holding a space on our calendar that is no longer available to other members. In order to be respectful of your fellow members and the presenter, please email Michelle as soon as you know you will not be able to attend the event. We keep our events as affordable as possible and need to pay presenters the fee they request. While we understand sometimes urgent matters come up, if registrants cancel at the last minute, we struggle to pay presenters. A full refund will be given if the cancellation occurs more than 24 hours before the event. If the cancellation occurs less than 24 hours before the event, 50% of your registration fee will be refunded only to defray our costs.

    • 13 Jun 2025
    • 12:00 - 13:00
    • ZOOM

    This hour-long drop-in session occurs quarterly and all members are welcome to join. There is no agenda, no commitment, just pop in anytime you like for a chat with your Executive Officer and with other ANZACATA members.

    When: Friday 13 June 2025
    Time: 12 noon AEST (10am WA and Asia, and 2pm NZ)
    CPD: 1 hour
    ZOOM Link:

    How to lookup your time zone in google:

    If the event starts at 12pm AEST and you're in South Australia just type the following into google 12pm AEST to South Australia time.
    (change the time and/or city as required)

    • 27 Jun 2025
    • 12:00
    • ZOOM

    This 5-hour refresher training is for professional members who have been supervising for several years. It is for arts therapists who have already completed supervision training some time ago and want to ensure that their practice is up to date and/or to allow them to meet the requirements to become approved supervisors with ANZACATA, if the training they have done does not add up to the required 40 hours.  Also, the new ANZACATA supervision policy requires approved supervisors to 'refresh' their training every 5 years.

    NOTE: This event is open to Approved Supervisors ONLY

    Current and relevant readings for all areas of the training will be provided.

    The training will revisit:

    • Definitions of supervision
    • Models and approaches to supervision
    • Arts Based Integration
    • Exploration of responsibilities and challenges


    Vicky Nicholls has a broad range of supervision experience, including 20 years' experience of supervising students from the Master of Art Therapy (Latrobe University) whilst on placement. In her private practice, she supervises art therapists and other practitioners working in a wide range of fields. She also facilitates several supervision groups. She is pleased to offer support to members of ANZACATA.

    When: 27 June 2025
    12pm – 5pm AEST (10am HKT & WA and 2pm NZT)
    5 hours
    Cost: $150 (+GST for Australian members)
    Open to: 15 members (Professional ANZACATA-Approved Supervisors ONLY)

    Note: This event will not be recorded.

    Cancellation Policy
    When you register and pay to attend one of our events, you are holding a space on our calendar that is no longer available to other members. In order to be respectful of your fellow members and the presenter, please email Michelle as soon as you know you will not be able to attend the event. We keep our events as affordable as possible and need to pay presenters the fee they request. While we understand sometimes urgent matters come up, if registrants cancel at the last minute, we struggle to pay presenters. A full refund will be given if the cancellation occurs more than 24 hours before the event. If the cancellation occurs less than 24 hours before the event, 50% of your registration fee will be refunded only to defray our costs.

    • 03 Oct 2025
    • 12:00 - 17:00
    • ZOOM
    • 8

    This training will contain theory, experiential learning, and opportunities for supervision practice, and can be used as either an arts therapy based PD opportunity, or towards registration as an approved supervisor with ANZACATA.  It is best suited to experienced professional members, as it assumes a working clinical knowledge and experience in arts therapy.

    The Training Will Cover:

    1. Definitions of supervision
    2. A variety of models and approaches to supervision
    3. Arts-based integration
    4. Clinical practice
    5. Ethics and Contracts

    In keeping with ANZACATA policy, the course will be 40 hours over 5 sessions (including 15 hours of experiential practice) to meet ANZACATA's new requirements of Approved Supervisors. Participants will be expected to engage in supervision practice with other participants between the online sessions in order to complete the required number of hours to register as an ANZACATA supervisor.


    Vicky Nicholls has a broad range of supervision experience, including 20 years experience of supervising students from the Master of Art Therapy (Latrobe University) whilst on placement. In her private practice she supervises art therapists and other practitioners working in a wide range of fields. She also facilitates several supervision groups. She is pleased to offer support to members of ANZACATA.

    Cost & Times

    A maximum of 16 members will be admitted to the online supervision training course and the cost is $470 (AUD) for each participant. GST must be added to those in Australia who participate.

    When: The event is run over 5 days
    October 3rd, 4th, 17th, 18th and 24th
    Time: 12pm – 5pm AEST (10am HKT & WA and 2pm NZT)
    Duration: 5 hours each session
    CPD: 40 (25 hours + 15 hours experiential)
    Where: ZOOM
    Cost: $470 (+ GST for Australian members)
    Open to: 16 members (Professional members)

    Please note:
    - This event is open to Professional members
    - This event will not be recorded.

    You are responsible for making sure you can attend all sessions of this course. So, do keep your diary free for all dates. We are not able to offer refunds or have you join another time. There is a wait list every time we offer this course. If you do not complete the course, you cannot get your certificate of completion and cannot join our approved supervisor listing.  If a genuine emergency occurs and you cannot complete, please contact Vicky as soon as you can.

    Cancellation Policy
    When you register and pay to attend one of our events, you are holding a space on our calendar that is no longer available to other members. In order to be respectful of your fellow members and the presenter, please email Michelle as soon as you know you will not be able to attend the event. We keep our events as affordable as possible and need to pay presenters the fee they request. While we understand sometimes urgent matters come up, if registrants cancel at the last minute, we struggle to pay presenters. A full refund will be given if the cancellation occurs more than 24 hours before the event. If the cancellation occurs less than 24 hours before the event, 50% of your registration fee will be refunded only to defray our costs.

    • 05 Dec 2025
    • 12:00
    • ZOOM

    This 5-hour refresher training is for professional members who have been supervising for several years. It is for arts therapists who have already completed supervision training some time ago and want to ensure that their practice is up to date and/or to allow them to meet the requirements to become approved supervisors with ANZACATA, if the training they have done does not add up to the required 40 hours.  Also, the new ANZACATA supervision policy requires approved supervisors to 'refresh' their training every 5 years.

    NOTE: This event is open to Approved Supervisors ONLY

    Current and relevant readings for all areas of the training will be provided.

    The training will revisit:

    • Definitions of supervision
    • Models and approaches to supervision
    • Arts Based Integration
    • Exploration of responsibilities and challenges


    Vicky Nicholls has a broad range of supervision experience, including 20 years' experience of supervising students from the Master of Art Therapy (Latrobe University) whilst on placement. In her private practice, she supervises art therapists and other practitioners working in a wide range of fields. She also facilitates several supervision groups. She is pleased to offer support to members of ANZACATA.

    When: 5 December 2025
    12pm – 5pm AEST (10am HKT & WA and 2pm NZT)
    5 hours
    Cost: $150 (+GST for Australian members)
    Open to: 15 members (Professional ANZACATA-Approved Supervisors ONLY)

    Note: This event will not be recorded.

    Cancellation Policy
    When you register and pay to attend one of our events, you are holding a space on our calendar that is no longer available to other members. In order to be respectful of your fellow members and the presenter, please email Michelle as soon as you know you will not be able to attend the event. We keep our events as affordable as possible and need to pay presenters the fee they request. While we understand sometimes urgent matters come up, if registrants cancel at the last minute, we struggle to pay presenters. A full refund will be given if the cancellation occurs more than 24 hours before the event. If the cancellation occurs less than 24 hours before the event, 50% of your registration fee will be refunded only to defray our costs.

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