ANZACATA's monthly e-newsletter, Where it's AT, is published at the beginning of each month. It includes information about the Association as well as creative arts therapy news from our regions and internationally. There are also regular reports from our SIGs and CAT Groups, notices and reviews of books and exhibitions etc and ads for various courses, workshops, conferences and the like.
All members are sent this digital e-newsletter. Please note – some email applications may automatically direct these group emails into the 'junk' or 'spam' folders. It is most important that you receive all the e-Notices sent by the Association, so we ask that you search these folders for any ANZACATA communications and change your settings to ensure that future notices arrive in your inbox.
Articles: Up to 200 words (including a headline and brief description), high-resolution image (landscape orientation) and captions if required. Photos and images are encouraged!
News in Brief: Up to 150 words, with a headline, brief description and captions if required. Photos and images are encouraged!
SIG and LRG Updates: Up to 200 words including images with captions. Items may be edited for space.
Advertisements: Advertising is free. No more than 100 words, link to more information or PDF download. Your logo can be included.
Please send your info by the 25th of the previous month.
You can send your content by completing the form below or you can contact Brandy to arrange via email. Please include finished art (images should be supplied in jpeg or png format).
TITLE: Title of event
DESCRIPTION: Up to 200 words (brief description)
IMAGE: Horizontal Image (2:1 aspect ratio)
LINK: Link to webpage or email address to contact for more information.
As per the ANZACATA Social Media Policy, members may have up to 3 self-promotion posts in the e-news over a 12-month period (but not in consecutive months to allow 'fair use' for all).
ANZACATA reserves the right not to publish any material that is in direct conflict with our Aims, Objectives and Values.
Last updated: 14 May 2024