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  • Creative Reflecting, Visioning and Planning in Tricky Times: Two-part series with Sally Swain

Creative Reflecting, Visioning and Planning in Tricky Times: Two-part series with Sally Swain

  • 08 Mar 2025
  • 10:30 - 13:00
  • ZOOM
  • 5


  • (+GST for Aust. Members)


Sally SwainLet's access the joy, depth and insight of our very own artmaking to inform the reflective and regenerative practices required as a professional ANZACATA member.

How are you going in your arts therapy practice? What's the truth of it? What are you proud of? Struggling with? Are you impacted by NDIS turmoil?

You are invited to gently review your year; to identify and affirm the strengths, passions, skills and values you bring to your work and to acknowledge the gaps and learning edges. You are encouraged to envisage your ideal practice, then to translate your vision into intentions, goals and action steps. Given the uncertainty in our professional landscape, might we support one another to foster confidence, self-compassion, self-care and adaptability?

This two-part experiential workshop is designed to inspire you to bring art, heart and practical strategy to your annual self-review and development plan, so that you can carry your professional practice forwards with verve and vitality, grace and groundedness, ethics and energy, purpose and playfulness.

Practising members at any level of membership or experience are welcome. Numbers are limited, to foster safety and connection.

Participants can expect to:

  • Utilise experiential art-making to reflect on your arts therapist journey
  • Uncover, affirm and explore the shapes, elements and qualities of your current professional practice
  • Synthesise discoveries to generate a vision for desired future directions
  • Validate shared and diverse experience in a group of connected peers
  • Apply creative wisdom to clarify possible professional development steps that incorporate your unique skills and preferences.


Sally Swain (AThR, ANZACATA-approved supervisor) has been running her Art and Soul Creativity Coaching practice for over thirty years. Embodied creativity is at the core of all she offers. Sally's internationally bestselling books include Great Housewives of Art. Her initiatives supporting arts therapists include Art Heart Action bushfire recovery program, ANZACATA-sponsored Creative Sustenance in Troubled Times series, Draw and Pour for Arts Therapists monthly online gatherings and Arty Hearty Therapist e-newsletter

   Workshop (Part One): Saturday 8 March AND
   Workshop (Part Two): Saturday 15 March
   10.30 am - 1 pm AEDT
   12.30 pm NZDT
   7.30 am AWST/HKT/SGT
Duration/CPD: 2.5 hrs
Where: Zoom
Cost: $135 (+GST for Aust. Members)
Open to: Practising Members (Professional, Tier, Provisional)
Max: 8 participants
Recorded session: No (privacy reasons)

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