** Event cancelled **
This hour long drop in session will occur the first Thursday of each month. All members are welcome to join any monthly session. There is no agenda, no commitment, just pop in anytime you like for a chat with your Executive Officer and with other ANZACATA members.
When: Thursday 2 May 2024
Time: 12 noon AEST (10am WA and Asia, and 2pm in New Zealand)
CPD: 1 hour
ZOOM Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4298208695?pwd=c21EcmN0TTMreVQ0bEROVzdQeWxGQT09
Meeting ID: 429 820 8695
(no password required, you will be admitted by the host - this is the same link each month)
How to lookup your time zone in google:
If the event starts at 12pm AEST and you're in South Australia just type the following into google 12pm AEST to South Australia time.
(change the time and/or city as required)