ANZACATA is offering subsidised fortnightly online group supervision sessions with Justine Wake for any members who live in regional or rural areas and find themselves unable to connect with other members or get supervision due to their isolation. The sessions will run for 90 minutes. Members from all levels, all regions, all countries are invited. The maximum number of participants is 8 members. First come, first served. We will hold a waiting list for the possibility of a second group, if numbers exceed 8. The total cost for the 5 sessions is $250 (+GST if in Aust).
Justine has worked as a clinical supervisor since 2007 (Counselling) and since 2012 (Art Therapy). She has significant experience with online counselling and supervision for those in remote areas.
Start date: Tuesday 1st June 2021 Time: 6.30 PM AEST Duration: 1 and ½ hours Cost: $250 + GST (if in Australia) for 5 sessions. This events closes after 8 participants have signed up.
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