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  • Online dramatherapy based group supervision with Joanna Jaaniste

Online dramatherapy based group supervision with Joanna Jaaniste

  • 03 Mar 2021
  • 12:00
  • ZOOM
  • 4


  • Australian members (+ GST)

Registration is closed

ANZACATA is offering subsidised fortnightly online group supervision sessions with Joanna Jaaniste. There will be 5 sessions, one per fortnight (on zoom) for any CATs who want to get together online for dramatherapy based supervision and support.

Start date: The sessions will start 3rd March 2021
Time: 12pm (AEDT)
Duration: 1 and ½ hours
Cost: $250 (+ GST if in Australia) for 5 sessions.

CATs members are welcome, whether mainly art therapists or dramatherapists (all member levels, all countries). The maximum number of participants is 8 members (minimum 6). First come, first served.

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