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Introduction to the Balint Method

  • 17 Nov 2020
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ANZACATA is offering a FREE 30 minute online introduction to Balint for up to 25 professional ANZACATA members. It will include meeting our facilitator, Professional member Amanda Garland, showing a short powerpoint presentation on the Balint method of reflection on clinical cases and if time allows, an example of how the process works (a fishbowl exercise). This will be offered free to experienced, clinical professional members on a first-come-first-served basis. The session will be held on Tuesday 17 November at 1.00pm (Asia and Western Australia), 4.00pm Aust Eastern summer time and 6.00pm New Zealand summer time.

The free introductory session is ONLY for experienced clinicians within the professional membership of ANZACATA. Places will be open to:

  • Experienced clinicians (at least 5yrs as a clinician)
  • In complex workplaces ie; acute patient settings, palliative care, or specialist services such as eating disorders, special needs, prisons, children and working in private practice
  • For professional members who wish to increase their learning of their clinical work at a deeper level
  • Those who have an interest in the dynamics between client and professional (and others).

Please only apply to meet Amanda and be introduced to Balint if you can meet the 4 criteria above. Places are limited to 25 Professional Members.

Following the introductory session up to 8 members (from the 25 who attend the introductory session) will self-select to join an online Balint group working with Amanda over 5 monthly sessions. The cost will be $AUD40 per person, per session (+GST if from Australia). Should more than 8 express their interest to join, the choice of members will be jointly made by Amanda and Kate Dempsey (ANZACATA Executive Officer) and will depend on clinician experience, and any boundary issues that may arise.

It may be possible to offer two groups of 8 participants. A minimum of 5 members are required for the group to go ahead. All event details for the Balint Series of 5 sessions will be on the website by end of November.

Balint Leader - Amanda Garland. BA(Hons), PGDipATh

Amanda Garland trained in art therapy in London in 1987-88.  Her practice in art psychotherapy is based in psychodynamic theory.  For the past 30 years she has worked in a variety of settings within mental health services in the National Health Service (NHS) UK, and in private practice in Aotearoa NZ with adults, children, groups and teams. Her experience includes working in therapeutic communities, in-patient and community settings.

For eight years she worked for Eating Disorders (ED) Services in Northeast London, becoming Head of the Arts Therapies Department and supervisor of other professions and teams within the ED services. She also contributed to art therapy trainings as placement supervisor and lecturer.
Whilst in London Amanda completed courses in group work, trauma and supervision.

Amanda returned live in Aotearoa NZ in 2011 where she has her own private practice in West Auckland.

She became involved with Balint Group work eight years ago and completed her accreditation as a Balint group leader early in 2020.  She currently co-runs two Balint groups on-line with participants from Aotearoa NZ and Australia.
Amanda is a professional Member of ANZACATA and a member of The Australia and New Zealand Balint Society (BSANZ).  Amanda continues with her own art making.

event details

Date: 17 November 2020
Time: 6.00pm NZDT, which is 1.00pm (Asia and Western Australia), 4.00pm Aust Eastern summer time and 6.00pm New Zealand summer time
Cost: Free

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