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ANZACATA Membership Application

Practising members - application process

If you will be working with clients you will apply for practising membership.

What you need to do before you apply

Read the following sections of our website:

You will also need to read the following documents because you must agree to them in the application process.

  • Ethics and Standards
  • ANZACATA's constitution. Please note in the section Winding Up, that in the unlikely event the association is wound up, professional members must agree to pay a guarantee amount of $10 to cover any outstanding expenses.

You will also need:

  • High quality scan of your testamur
  • High quality scan of your academic transcript
  • High quality scans of other evidence if you have not completed one of our approved masters in the last 5 years. See categories and requirements for more detail.

How to apply

  • Select the 'Practising member application' option below and complete the membership form
  • Pay $90 (plus GST for Australian applicants) to have your application assessed. NB: this is not a membership fee but covers the administration cost associated with evaluating your qualifications and determining which membership you are entitled to
  • We will be in touch with you to let you know which practising membership (if any) we can offer. If we can't offer you a practising membership you will automatically be given Affiliate membership for the remainder of the membership year
  • If approved for practising membership, you pay the appropriate membership fee
  • You will immediately receive a welcome email from us. At a later date you will be emailed your membership certificate
  • Once your membership with ANZACATA is approved you will be able to arrange insurance direct through Focus Insurance.
Student members - application process

What you need to do before you apply

  • Head over to recognised qualifications to ensure that you are studying a course in Creative Arts Therapy that ANZACATA supports.  Only students studying the listed courses are eligible for ANZACATA Student membership
  • Attach evidence of your studies. Your evidence could be a letter of acceptance into the course (with date shown), a letter from a course co-ordinator, a copy of your current student online status details or any other documentation that shows the course, your name and the year in which you are studying.
  • Read the ANZACATA constitution (you will need to agree this)
  • Insurance – to see the detail of insurance (Australian and NZ therapists only)

How to apply

  • Select the 'Student' option below and complete the membership form
  • Pay the membership fee
  • Your documentation will be checked and you will receive an email when your membership is approved
  • Once your membership with ANZACATA is approved you will be able to arrange insurance direct through Focus Insurance.
Affiliate members - application process
  • Select the 'Affiliate' option below and fill in the application form
  • Pay the membership fee
  • You will receive an email immediately to confirm your membership

Summary flowchart of application process.

Current student members: To apply for tier, provisional or professional membership, please contact member services.

Current practising members: If you wish to change your practising level membership to Affiliate, please contact member services.

Lapsed members: If your membership lapsed less than 2 years ago please contact member services to reinstate your membership as the application fee will be waived..

Membership period: An ANZACATA annual membership runs from 1 July to 30 June. ANZACATA only accepts online applications and all fees and payments are in Australian dollars.

JoCAT is the peer reviewed online journal of ANZACATA. It includes the latest creative arts therapies research and creative investigations. As a member you will automatically receive monthly notifications when new items are published. To unsubscribe from JoCAT monthly notifications please email

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* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

Last updated: 31 May 2024

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ABN 63 072 954 388

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